At the risk of bending some very wise rules about blogging (as explained by the great Kristen Lamb), I figured I'd go ahead and properly start things with an introduction and explanation of just what the hell I'm doing here. See, I have years (eep - more like a decade!) of experience with online journaling, spewing 'random musings' and pointless, narcissistic crap every day, several times a day, with little regard for what readers might have wanted.
Blogging is a different animal, apparently. And I'm a different person from those days. And, even though this is my blog, it's not really about me. It's about you and me - our common grounds, hanging out on those common grounds, shooting the shit about what interests us, all while drinking excellent coffee, consuming excellent chocolate, and admiring excellent eye- and ear-candy.
Therefore, I proclaim Mondays to be Common Grounds day. I'm an erotic-romance and paranormal-romance author. I would hope that if you've found your way here, it's because you and I have a common interest in the things that point to those types of reads. Things like magic, shifters, mythical creatures, afterlife, etc. But also things like yummy men and women, badass heroines and heroes, intelligent smut, and a proper touch of BDSM.
All the same, sometimes I'm going to want to get some things off my chest. I'm a writer, after all. Which means not only do I have Thoughts and Feels about the writing process, but the formatting process, the editing process, and the social process. Being a writer, whether self-published, or traditional, or somewhere in between, involves so much more than words on the screen. So, indulgent as it might be, I proclaim Wednesdays to be Writerly Wednesdays.
Fridays, well - it might not be the most original concept in the world, especially for a Friday, but damnit, it's fun - Friday Mash-ups. Random links I've found throughout the week that you should check out.
All that said, the title for this post does have a point:
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