Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Hero Hop Winners!

Firstly, a mighty thanks to Carrie Ann for hosting this hop! It was my first, and definitely not my last - I was pretty floored by the sheer number of people who participated! You guys are fantastic inspiration for us writers - so, thank you, as well.

Now, on to the winners! Using the magic of my typing fingers, Excel, and the random number generator at, and taking into account all you wonderful folks who doubled-up via GoodReads and Twitter, the winner of the Deluxe Package Package is...


Thanks to everyone for contributing! You're all wonderful and beautiful people!

Also, big congrats to our Hero Hop Grand Prize Winners!

Finally, just as a little reminder, I am migrating over to my proper blogsite this week. Actually, I've been there all along, but being new to this whole blogging thing, I had a hard time making up my mind as to what platform I wanted to use. Anyway, you can always find me at my "proper" address,

Thanks again, y'all!